Monday, April 13, 2009

The Plague

Congrats to Linda, Lauren's Nana, for correctly guessing the disease. Her guess was "bubonic plague", which is only half-right. It's actually septicemic plague, but they're both caused by the same bacterium, so close enough.

That blackening of the flesh? Yep, that's why the called it the Black Death.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pop Quiz!

If you see this...

...what disease do you probably have?

Hint #1: this blackening in the flesh is the source of one of the common names of the disease, and despite what it may look like in the picture, is not due to fire or otherwise burned flesh.

Hint #2: this disease is endemic (naturally-occurring) in the four corners states.

Hint #3: If you DO actually have this disease, then by the time you see these symptoms, if you aren't already on antibiotics ('s caused by bacteria), then you'll soon be dead.

Anyone? Marissa, you're not allowed to answer.

UPDATE: The answer will be posted on Friday, April 17.